Vaccinations for Cats & Dogs.
Puppy & Dog Vaccinations.
At Airedale Vets we use the latest dog vaccines to give your dogs protection again nine different diseases with our routine vaccinations. They are Distemper, Parvovirus, Canine Viral Hepatitis, Respiratory Adenovirus, Parainfluenza and four different types of Leptospirosis. Your puppy should be vaccinated at the earliest opportunity and boosters should be maintained throughout the dog's lifetime. Just like human vaccines, the immunity provided by each vaccine will wane and we recommend your dog is boosted every year to maintain optimum protection.
For more information about these vaccine and the diseases they protect against please visit:
New Dog Vaccine.
This practice is one of a very few veterinary practices that are using the latest dog vaccine. Although this new vaccine costs Airedale Vets more than the old vaccine, we are absorbing the cost of this & not charging the extra costs. We do this because for several reasons. This is a safer vaccine than older ones. The VMD keeps a close eye on how safe and effective vaccines are. All vaccines have to be very safe or they get withdrawn. The VMD has found the new vaccine is one of the safest on the market. Also we feel that the new vaccine gives so much better protection both to the dog & people in contact with the dog. The old vaccine only protected against two strains of Leptospira. There are four strains in the UK which can kill both dogs & their owners. The new vaccine has Leptospira from each of the four strains, this give better protection. Also the old vaccine sometimes protected the dog from illness from the two strains, but some dogs were still carriers & therefore dangerous to people in contact with the dog. The new vaccine is much better at preventing this. For more information on the new vaccine visit ukvetsonline
Please have a look at our Special Offers Page for more information on vaccinations and our offer on vaccinating your puppy. We believe we have the best offers in the area.
Kitten & Cat Vaccines.
We vaccinate kittens & cats against Feline Leukaemia Virus, (please look at the paragraph below for more details on these diseases) Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus, Feline Calici Virus & Feline Parvo Virus (Panleukopenia Virus).
Feline Leukaemia Virus causes a type of cat AIDS. Humans cannot get cat AIDS nor can cats get human AIDS, however it is a very serious disease, & is usually eventually fatal. Feline Rhinotracheitis Virus & Feline Calici Virus are types of cat flu. Cat flu is a big problem, not only can these viruses cause serious acute disease, they can be fatal, they can also leave the cat with long term or permanent disease which can cause the cat a lot of suffering for the cat and be very expensive to treat. Feline Panleukopenia Virus causes vomiting & diarrhoea & is fatal in many cases.
Airedale Veterinary Group
36 Devonshire Street
West Yorkshire
BD21 2AU
Airedale Animals Limited
36 Devonshire Street
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
BD21 2BH
Company No. 06546738
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